Some of the hot springs were this beautiful, crystal clear blue color. These were the ones my mom wanted to swim in. I was giving this one a thumbs up!

This is my new friend, Marilyn. As we were walking to the gift shop to get some ice cream, this nice lady started asking about our road trip. We got to talking, and found out that we both are seventh-grade English teachers! I love meeting new, awesome people on road trips!

We drove along Lake Yellowstone for a good amount of time on our way out of the park. It was so incredibly gorgeous; we had to stop several times just to admire and take pictures.

I climbed down the steep embankment in my flip-flops because I couldn't resist walking along this little stretch of sand and feeling the chilly water. The water was amazingly clear and clean.

To bad you two didn't get to go white water rafting. They have didn't levels in Yellowstone and they also have zip line tours. Those I have always wanted to do.